Frequently Asked Questions


How long does it take to have Acrylic nails applied?

A full set of acrylic nail extensions takes between 1 and 1 ½ hours. We offer different styles and lengths of tips from classic square, stiletto, tapered or ballerina and we can help you choose your desired look.

What is the difference between white tips and pink & white?

You can have a permanent white tip, however as your natural nail grows the white tip will be less obvious. Should you choose  pink and white tips we use a natural tip with pink and white acrylic powder so can reinstate the white during the infill process.

What different nail shapes can I have?

If you have natural nails you can have any desired look, although you must have enough length for us to shape. You can choose from: oval, square (with sharp or softened edges), round, pointed (stiletto), ballerina. We can offer the same styles in acrylics with the added benefit of extra length too.

What is the difference between Gelish and Shellac?

Both are brands of gel polishes, they are painted over the natural nail to give a perfect polished look. Both are applied smoothly like a polish. We use a base coat, colour and a top coat which is cured under a UV/LED lamp.

How long will my gel polish last?

We advise all clients that a Gel Manicure can last for up to 3 weeks, however this isn’t guaranteed as it depends on how well you look after them. For the best results ensure you follow the aftercare advice of your technician.

How do I remove my Gel polish?

We recommend you have your gel polish removed by a professional nail technician only to avoid damage. We buff the shine off the top coat, apply acetone, individually foil wrap each nail and use heated mitts for  15/20 minutes. The acetone and the heat will dissolve the polish without harming the natural nail.

How do you remove acrylic nail extensions?

Using an Efile to remove the gel polish, we then use the same technique as gel polish removal to remove your extensions. Removing extensions takes about 30 minutes.

Do I need to make an appointment?

We recommend that you make an appointment with us however occasionally we can accommodate walk-ins.

What are infills?

Infills are required when the natural part of your nail starts to show above the cuticle. Using acrylic powder an infill is applied rather than re-doing a full acrylic nail removal and replacement.

How should I look after and care for my nails?

If you have Acrylic nails we advise taking care especially when doing household chores such as washing up, gardening or cleaning. We advise wearing gloves just to protect the nail and gel.

How often do I need to get my nails filling-in?

We would recommend once every 2/3 weeks but this depends on the nail growth rate of the individual. Faster nail growth could need infills after 2 weeks but commonly clients return every 3 weeks.

If the condition of my cuticles are poor what can I do to improve them?

Visit us for a manicure which will include a file, buff and cuticle refreshment. You can continue caring for your cuticles at home with cuticle oil.

What should I do if my artificial nails break?

We would be more than happy to try to fix them for you.

Can I have acrylic nails if my natural nails are short?

Yes, a nail extension is applied to your natural nail to add length. We can help with most types of nails except in rare cases when they are extremely short. Please ask one of our Technicians for more details.

If I just want a colour change must I have infills as well?

If you decide on a change of nail colour but it is not time for you to have them infilled book an appointment at our salon and we can change the colour for you.